Saturday, April 4, 2009


Sorry I didn't write yesterday!! I didn't feel good and Mom was on the computer. We didn't have gym this morning so when I woke up and I felt even worse than last night I took a shower and then listened to Conference. There were lots of good talks. When both sessions for the day were over the boys and I kept playing cards. It was lots of fun until Duncan got mad because he didn't win. Oh Duncan. Anyway after a while the boys didn't want to play anymore so they went off to play on the computer and I sat there and played card games by myself. I then sat down and played Sudoku. When it was finally time to go I got all ready and we headed over to the "Ice Stravaganza". My friend Jordan had a solo in it so I was very excited to go. She and the boy staying with them, Cordero, did awesome!! Jordan just makes it look oh so easy. Well I guess I should go to bed now so I'll try to write more tomorrow!!


  1. Why do you read so much? Is there a contest or something? I like reading, I can finish one book in one day, but the rest of my family does not read as much. Sorry that you were not feeling good!

  2. I read a lot because I absolutely LOVE to read!! Reading is the best! Other than gymnastics. I especially love to read when it's a good book!! READING ROCKS!!!
