Monday, April 20, 2009

~pout~Sorry! (again)

So once again I have been bad and not written in over a week. but there is an explanation!! Um.....OK actually there isn't a very good one so moving on! So I keep saying that the reason I haven't been writing is because I'm so busy and I really do think that is part of it, but I think that another reason is that I don't really have anything to write about anymore. I mean I just do the same thing at gym everyday (mostly) so I don't have anything to say! Anyway I'm just going to give a run down of the fun things I did this week (non-gym related) and then the gym related things. So on Thursday I left gym early and my Dad took me to this little book store and we got my Fablehaven books signed!! And "The Candy Shop Wars", which is also written by Brandon Mull!! It was so cool to meet him!! I was (literally) jumping for joy! On Saturday Mom ran the half marathon (YAY!) and so Bana took me and picked me up from gym. It was lots of fun to see her since I don't get to as much anymore. While we were on our way back to the house we had called Mom and when we turned the corner I looked over and there she and Nama were walking back to the car!! It was awesome!! Haha! When we got home Bana took the boys and I out to lunch at "Red Robin". Oh. My. Gosh. Such good food!! On Sunday I was really nervous because I had to give my first talk in sacrament. Freaky! But it ended up OK and I made it through the whole thing, probably looking and sounding like a total dork the whole way through, but that's OK, right!?! We had our meeting for Girls Camp on Sunday as well and I'm pretty sure that Natalie, Chamberlain, and I will end up bunking together, so YAY!! Now for gym stuff!! Are you excited? You should be. Most of the week I didn't really do anything exciting, but then on Friday guess what I did!?! My giant giant double back into the pit!! AAAAAAAH!!! So exciting!! I couldn't get the grin off of my face!! And I even was doing them right! I was letting go when I was supposed to!! EEEEEEP!!!

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