Friday, February 13, 2009

Wheres this! Wheres that! Oh gosh I hate packing!

When I got home from dad's this morning I started trying to pack and of course I got slightly distracted! So long story my morning was spent doing packing a little then doing some homework and then trying to pack and maybe planning Valentines a little.

Then I had do go to gym and do conditioning and dance routines. I thought it was going to be boring, but Kim was there so I got to hang out with her and Beth was also there. Jenna (Beth's sister) was there choreographing Beth's Level 7 Floor routine! In the end Beth's routine looks adorable!! I love it!

When I got home I repeated the same thing as earlier, but this time I added dodging the boys playing "Lets pretend to kill each other with swimming noodles!" with there friends Elliot and Matthew. Plus I took a shower which got me away from the boys for a little while. But the later it got the more I had to pack cause when you have to wake up at 7:00 the next morning its best if you're at least mostly packed and now I'm almost all the way packed. The only things I don't have in my bags are things I need in the morning.

Well got to go to bed now! Bye! See ya in Texas!

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