Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Comp day

Beam was first today. After I was done warming up I went for my routine and sadly I fell, but I stuck my next one so it was OK. And I think that's pretty good considering the fact that we only had a half hour to do Beam and it took 20 minutes for all four of us to warm up. So really I had ten minutes to do my routine! I know I'm so good. We went to Bars next and my routine was actually pretty good. I worked on free hips afterward, of course, but then finally we were done with Bars and we went to Floor. Floor was actually really good. I stuck my front tuck front tuck easily and they were pretty high too, well I think they were. And last we went to Vault. I went for my Vault and I stuck it so I asked Ilia how many we had to do and he said 'Show me two in a row.' Well me and Sadie thought that he would count it if I stuck the next one so Sadie let me go and I stuck it, but Ilia said 'One more.' So I ended up sticking three really good a row!!!! Yes I'm that good.

When Mommy picked me up we went up to wait for Duncan at dance so I got to sit and read for about 40 minutes. I got pretty far into my book too!!! The boys are watching Harry Potter so I'm going to go and watch it with them now so see ya!


  1. My front tuck front tuck is really bad, they are kinda hard. (When I say bad I mean that I cannot stick it and they are low). Great job on vault.

  2. Ya after I hurt my ankle my front tuck front tucks got kind of hard and I'm not really sure why. Thanks! I just wish that I always did my Vaults good!
