Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The little things

Beam was first yesterday, as always. When I was going for my series I was straight, but just like at Bear Country my hand slipped and I fell, but it wasn't my routine so it wasn't as bad. Anyway I smacked my whole right thigh on the Beam and went up to my friends and was like "Guys, I can feel the bruise forming!" and sure enough after about a minute my leg turned purple, but then oddly it went away just as fast. I also scraped my hand down the Beam and got a little burn on my hand it hurt so bad!!! It still stings!! I went for my routine after that and I stuck it so that was good, but I don't think Ilia saw my really really crappy full turn cause when I went over to him he told me to do leaps. I did do leaps, but I also did full turns. We went to Bars next and my burn hurt so bad that I had to go and get a band aide so that my wristy wouldn't rub. I made my first routine and then Ilia had me work on free hips. THEY WERE REALLY GOOD!! In my opinion. Ilia just kept saying they were bad, but they were good for how low mine normally are and now I just have to push my shoulders open more so that I'm in handstand and then I have to make sure I always do that!! Haha! When we were done with Bars it was our time for Beam, but we were already done with it so Ilia had us do ballet. It was slightly boring, but fun at the same time. When we were done Ilia had us do dance routines on Floor and then when we were done with those we did these things that I don't know how to spell so I'm not going to say what they are. We were done after that and I was getting dressed for ballet when Mommy came in and told me that I didn't have dance cause Kymmeri had a performance for school.

When I got home I started to read. After a little while I figured out how many possible hours I have to read and how many pages I have to read an hour. 35. I have to read about 35 pages an hour. I did it! I did two hours of 35 pages each hour so that's like 70 pages!!!! EEEEEP!!! I think I really can do this!! Since I read for so long I didn't get to write on here so that's why I'm a little late. Now it's time to be super speedy with my other homework and then...READ!!!!

These are the pictures that Kendall took in San Jose. Yes I know I'm depressed cause I still can't get mine to work. Boo Hoo.

In case you couldn't tell all of those pictures where its me, Kendall, and Taylor with Sadie occasionally frowning to the camera is that hour we were waiting to go to Beam.

See now she doesn't look tired!!

I love this girl!!!

Almost to the airport!!!!

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