Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It's back!

A couple months ago I let Kendall's mom borrow my book Breaking Dawn and I've been bugging Kendall for a long time to bring back my book, but she would always say 'OK, let me talk to my mom' and then she would never bring it back! And the other day mommy gave me a idea so yesterday I wrote a note that said:

We hope you have enjoyed the book 'Breaking Dawn' by Stephenie Meyer, but it is over due and has been requested by others.

Please return the book.

Thank you.

Salt Lake City
Drew A Library

I gave it to her when Kendall left gym and today when I walked into the locker room Kendall said 'Oh, Drew here' and she gave me back my book. I was (and still am) so excited! I have my book back, oh yeah!!

Kendall is doing better, but it still hurts her to walk. Hailee on the other hand isn't doing better. We found out today that she has to go in and have surgery on her knee. I feel so bad for her! So since Hailee could only do conditioning and Kendall could only do conditioning and bars it was again mostly me and Taylor (with Sadie now and then.) We went to floor first and I was warming up a full and for some reason I ended up doing a full and a half, but since I hadn't been planning on doing that I fell and after that I went for the full and a half and I messed up, bad. I hurt my toe, I think that I jammed it so now I'm gonna have to have mommy unjam it in the morning (cause I don't really trust daddy.) I went for my routine even though my toe was killing me. We then went to vault. Vault was easy, I did it fairly fast. After that it was time for bars. We had to do routines and I was having a hard time sticking my dismount at first, but then I got it. Next was beam, and we had an hour to do it. Once again I had to do five routines. I felt good about them, but I kept falling on my stupid series! At least I finally got them done. And guess what?!? My friend Ashley (who quit in November) came and we got to talk to her for a little bit. It was so good to see her!


  1. For the record, I had nothing to do with that note. It was all Drew's idea.

  2. So what did the other girls get for scores at their meet? I hope your toe feels better!
