Tuesday, January 6, 2009

"You in bad mood, Ilia"

Floor was first. I warmed up pretty quickly (at least I thought it was fast) and then I did my routine and my second front tuck was sooo high I thought I was going to fall! Ilia then told me to do one more and then I did front handspring layout tuck (onto a mat.) We did bars after that. I did my routine and it was really good. I did a another one and then asked Ilia if I could do dismounts and he said "No, you have two. You need like 5!" So I was like OK then I'll do three more routines, whatever. I did one more and then I was chalking up and Ilia told everyone else (who had already finished routines) to do one more of what they were doing and then take there grips off. He told me to do another routine. So I did four routines on bars! It wasn't that bad other than the fact that I was getting really tired from it. Oh and also Ilia spotted me on my first routine but then the next routine he only stood there and the next two routines after that he didn't even stand there. I was so excited! We went to beam after that and after I warmed up I asked Ilia how many routines I should do and of course he says "Million". UGH! I hate it when he says that! So I did three stuck routines and I was going for my next one and I fell on my series and the one after that I fell on my full turn so he was yelling at me because I fell on one full turn out of five routines! He sent me over to another beam and told me to work on full turns and then I had to do another routine. I did and I stuck it but even now I'm still really mad. I asked him after that what I should do and he told me (just take a wild guess) full turns. I was all sad after that but luckily Lena helped cheer me up at least a little. My dad came in a couple minutes early and asked if I was done and I told him no and just kept doing full turns for the next ten minutes. Ilia finally told me to stretch. I said "Bye Ilia, see you tomorrow" and he looked at me and said "Be ready." I went into the locker room after that and I was telling my friends about it and Taylor said he had said the same thing to her! Now me and my friends are slightly worried for tomorrow. I then went over to the gym office and got a coupon from Lena to get me and my family in free to one of the University of Utah gymnastic meets! Utah vs. UCLA Friday 7:00 at the Huntsman center. YAY! Ilia you were in a bad mood today.

1 comment:

  1. I hate it when the coaches are in a bad mood! Good luck tomorrow!
